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Pediatric Ophthalmology Associates

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to these frequently asked questions are intended to provide brief information relevant to your child's health. If you would like to speak with us regarding any of these topics, do not hesitate to call us.

All You Need to Know

Disclaimer: This website is intended to offer general information only. Nothing contained on this site, including third party content, should be considered a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Advocare does not assume liability or responsibility for any of the information contained on this website. Please consult your Advocare physician with more detailed questions and to receive specific diagnoses and recommendations.

  • What days are you open?
    Our offices are open Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 5:00pm and 8:30am to 4:30pm on Fridays. As our daily schedule is subject to change, please call to confirm office hours.
  • Are you accepting new patients?
    Yes, we welcome new patients.
  • Do you accept my health insurance plan?
    Please refer to our Insurance Page to review Advocare's list of accepted insurance providers.
  • What forms do I need for my first visit?
    Upon your first visit to the office, you will need to complete a policy form, an insurance form, a medical history form, and a privacy acknowledgement form. We offer our patients the convenience of viewing, downloading, and printing these forms in advance in Adobe PDF format by clicking on this link:  Forms. This will allow you to finish the forms at your convenience, and save you time in the office by bringing them with you.
  • How often should I be seen in the office?
    Visit schedules will vary depending on each individual's characteristics and specific disorder. We will discuss the expected length and duration of follow up visits during your initial consultation.
  • How long do average visits take? What will my visit be like?
    An initial office visit or full yearly check will take about 60-90 minutes, and requires the use of dilating eye drops. These will make the patient's vision blurred and light sensitive for many hours.
  • What is the fee for a missed visit?
    Please be advised that if your appointment is missed without a 24-hour notice, this will incur a $40 missed appointment fee. Any patient who misses more than three appointments without notice will not be given another appointment.
  • What if my child needs contact lenses?
    If your child is interested in contact lenses, a full medical examination must have been completed in our office within the last year. Please also let us know in advance so that we may allot extra time for a fitting and training session. For some patients, special trial lenses will need to be pre-ordered. We do not give contacts to children under 11 years of age.
  • Are children's contact lenses covered by insurance?
    Typically, contacts are not covered by insurance.
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